The best collection of HD
Hanuman Images,
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wallpapers, here you can easily
download the wallpapers of Hanuman and photos in high quality format. In this post i am sharing all
photos of
Hanuman ji in category list wise. Before sharing the photos i will share some information and facts of Shri Hanuman Ji. There's no doubt that Lord Hanuman is everyone's favorite. Although many of us know many things about him, still there are many facts about him which we are unaware of, like-
- Why is Lord Hanuman called the son of wind God ?
- How did Lord Hanuman and Lord Ram meet ?
- What is the story behind 5-faced of Hanuman ?
Let's took all the answers to all these questions And, there's a bonus fact at the end of the article. Stay tuned with this article of which is prepare by us for you and include lot of
Hanuman Images for mobile.
Birth of Hanuman Images and Story:
There are plenty of stories associated with the birth of Lord Hanuman. However, according to 16th Century "Bhavarth Ramayan" when Anjana and Kesari were praying to Lord Shiva for a son, King Dashrath of Ayodhya also was conducting a ritual to get sons. King Dashrath got a sacred pudding which was distributed to his wives. On eating this Ram, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughna were born. A kite snatched a piece of the sacred pudding and dropped it while flying over the forest. Wind God Vayu delivered this pudding in the hands of Anjana. On eating this, Lord Hanuman was born. Hence, Lord Hanuman is called the son of Anjana, Kesari and Wind God Vayu.
Mata Anjani And Kesari |
Hanuman Ji In Childhood |
Childhood Curse with Hanuman Images :
Hanuman was very mischievous during his childhood. He often played pranks on meditating sages in the forest. Thinking Hanuman was a kid, sages placed a mild curse on him stating that he will be unaware of his own strength. This curse will be automatically lifted when a third person will remind Hanuman of this strengths.He gets a relief from this curse during the "Kishkinda Episode" when Jambavantha reminds Hanuman of this strengths.
Hanuman once ate the Sun |
Fight image of Bal Hanuman with Inder Dev |
Lord Hanuman's Father Vayu |
Shri Hanuman images for mobile and desktop,
mobile wallpapers,
stories, Full HD images of
Lord Hanuman ji.
Read the Boons from Lords With Hanuman Images:
Thinking Sun is a ripe fruit, kid Hanuman leapt up to eat it. When stopped by Rahu, a Vedic planet, Hanuman did not stop. Rahu complained about this to Lord Indra, who became furious and hurled a thunderbolt towards Hanuman. This struck Hanuman's jaw and he fell on earth, unconscious. This angered Hanuman's father Vayu (Wind God), and he left earth taking the atmosphere with him. Seeing living beings suffer immensely due to lac of air, Lord Indra undid the impact of his thunderbolt on Hanuman. All Gods brought Hanuman back to life and laid several boons to please his father Vayu.
Lord Varun declared that Hanuman will always be safe from water.
- Lord Fire (Agnidev) declared that fire will never be able to burn Hanuman.
- Sun God bestowed upon Hanuman two Yogic qualities - Laghima and Garima. With Laghima, he could attain the smallest form. With Garima, he could assume the biggest form of life.
- Wind God Vayu rewarded him with more speed than he himself had.
- Lord Yama (Yamdev), the God of death, blessed him with good health and immortality.
- Lord Bramha said that no weapon would ever hurt Hanuman.
- From Lord Shiva, he obtained the boon of longevity, scriptural wisdom and ability to cross the ocean. SHIVA assured safety of Hanuman with a band that would protect him for life.
Hanuman Images With Origin of Name:
Hanuman Meaning in English |
'Hanu' in Sanskrit means a jaw. And 'Maan' or 'Mant' means disfigured. Hence, the word Hanuman means 'disfigured jaw'. According to another theory, this name has been taken from Sanskrit word 'Haan', meaning destroyed and 'Maan' meaning pride, Hence, the one whose pride has been destroyed means 'Hanuman'. According to some Jain texts Hanuman spent his childhood in an island named "Hanura" which is said to be the origin of his name.
Meeting with Shri Ram:
Lord Rama and Laxman arrived at Malaya mountain range of Kishkind, in search of Sita. Sugreev and his brother Baali were at war with each other, and Sugreev thought that Baali has sent them to kill him. Sugreev sent Hanuman to find out who the two men were and what was the purpose of their visit. Hanuman, disguised as a Brahmin, meets them. Lord Rama explains the purpose of their visit. He also introduces himself and Laxman to disguised Hanuman. Hanuman got to know that the two men he was talking to were none other than his beloved Rama and his brother Laxman. His happiness knew no bounds. He immediately appear in his original form and fell into the feet of Lord Rama.
Kesari Body Colour:
Once, Hanuman saw Sita applying vermillion on her forehead. Hanuman asked Sita the reason of this ritual. Sita answered that this was for Lord Rama's healthy and long life. Such was Hanuman's devotion towards Lord Rama that he applied vermilion all over his body for healthy and long life of his beloved Lord Rama. Hence, temples too, idols of Lord Hanuman are mostly saffron-colored.
Hanuman's Son:
After destroying Lanka, when Hanuman was on his way back, he cooled himself by taking a bath in the ocean. When he was dong this, a fish or a crocodile swallowed a drop of sweat coming out of Hanuman's body. This is how "Makardhwaja" was conceived,who is known as Hanuman's son.
Panchamukhi Hanuman Images:
During the Lanka war, Ravana's brother Ahiravana kidnaps Lord Rama and Laxman and takes them to netherworld. Searching for them, Hanuman reaches netherworld and sees his son "Makardhwaja" guarding the entrance. Hanuman defeats him in a fight that ensues and moves ahead. Hanuman finds outs that Ahiravana's life is placed in five lamps placed in different directions and in order to defeat him, these five lamps need to be extinguished together. Hence, Hanuman took a 5-faced form Varaha, Narsimha, Garuda, Hayagriv and Hanuman himself. Hanuman extinguishes all the five lamps together and is successful in rescuing Rama and Laxman. Below Check the Hanuman Images of Panchmukhi avtar which very rare on internet and social media.
Panchmukhi Hanuman Ji Avtar |
Devotion towards Lord Rama:
After being crowned as the king of Ayodhya, Lord Rama decides to reward everyone officially. Sita take out necklace from her neck and gifts that to Hanuman. Hanuman observes each and every stone from that necklace carefully and searches for the name of "Rama" and "Sita" written on them. If it wasn't there, the necklace would be of no value to him. People starts laughing at this act of Hanuman. And mention that Hanuman's love and devotion towards Rama is merely and exaggeration. In response, Hanuman tears his chest, Everyone is shocked to see Lord Rama and Sita present in Hanuman's heart. People then have no doubt in Hanuman's love and devotion towards Lord Rama.
Hanuman Ji HD Photos |
Bonus Fact: Hanuman Chalisa Story:
Saint Tulsidas was a devotee of Lord Rama. He would recite "Ramcharitmanas" every evening near the Varanasi Ghat. Many people would gather to listen to him. During this period, He got to know from someone that Lord Hanuman disguises himself as an ugly-looking old man and listen to Saint Tulsidas everyday. Next day, Saint Tulsidas is successful recognizing Hanuman and after the end of evening session, he follows the old man. On meeting Hanuman, he touches his Lord's feet. He then writes "Hanuman Chalisa" to please Lord Hanuman. Varanasi Sankatmochan Temple is at the place where Lord Hanuman said to have met Saint Tulsidas. So viewers, these were the interesting stories about out very own super hero Hanuman! In this article i will share all the photos and Hd Images of Hanuman in High Quality format. You can download Hanuman images in one click from this website.
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